Community Programs
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Wetland Wanders
Wetland Wanders are guided walks through the West Eugene Wetlands or other local natural areas. Walks are free and open to the public. On the second Tuesday of each month from 9am to 11am, we explore a different theme, conservation project, and site in the Eugene/Springfield area. Please bring water, binoculars, closed-toed shoes, and dress for the weather.
Please visit our facebook page to learn about this month’s Wetland Wander!
Community Events
WREN participates in a variety of community events throughout the year. Swing by our table at events like Sunday Streets, Public Works Day, and the Mushroom Festival (among others) to learn about the West Eugene Wetlands and participate in interactive crafts. We also host public events at our project office, 751 S. Danebo Ave, in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management.
Family Exploration Days
On select Saturdays in the summer months, WREN offers free choose-your-own adventures in the West Eugene Wetlands. Embark on a nature-inspired scavenger hunt, or explore the trails with binoculars, field guides, bug nets, hand magnifiers, and bug boxes. Bring your curiosity and sense of adventure! Exploration days are from 10am to 2pm and WREN staff/volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions. Schedule will be out soon!