Flying things at Sandpiper/Grimes PondsBy WREN / September 30, 2008 Spotted Spreadwing mating pair,Striped Meadowhawk pair ovipositing. This species oviposits in tandom and often in groups within a small area.A pair of Striped Meadowhawks ovipositing and a pair mating. They commonly oviposit in grassy areas that will later be flooded by winter rains.A solitary wasp (~3/4″ long). This one, a Great Golden Digger Wasp, feeds on nector. The female digs burrows and provisions chambers with insects such as grasshopper and Katydids. Insects are stung and placed in chambers where a single egg is laid.Our largest damselfly in Oregon, a male California Spreadwing.A mating pair of California Spreadwings.Its been a boom year in the Cascades for the California Tortoiseshell.Greater Yellowlegs.