About Us
WREN is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to educate and promote land stewardship through programs and partnerships, highlighting the application of scientific research in the management of critical habitats. We have a particular focus on how we conserve and recover federally-listed and sensitive animal and plant species and their habitat on public lands.
Located in the West Eugene Wetlands, home to hundreds of plants and animals, including protected plant and animal species, and over 3,000 acres of increasingly rare wetlands and oak uplands. We pride ourselves in providing opportunities for community members to engage in educational programs for youth, families, and adult life-long learners through our many partnerships. Our school-based education programs are designed to complement existing school curricula by incorporating Oregon’s science standards by teaching science in the context of land stewardship.
Find out more about our past, present, and future events by following us on Facebook, and Instagram.
You can also learn more from the following radio interviews!

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